Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. I'm Robert, or Rob. Heather's husband. This is something that I don't do(blog) but I feel like I need to. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.. I'm 38 going on 39. I work for Time Warner (and only just recently got into a position that I really like a lot). My dream growing up was to always marry a beautiful woman who loves God and me, and to have a family. Now part of that dream has come true. The rest Heather and I are still working on as you know. Now just to put this out there, if I knew what I know now before I had asked Heather to marry me I still would have done it. Life with Heather is better than anything. Do I want kids? Yes, but I would not give up Heather for that.
Now the way I tend to deal with a lot of things in my life is to bury them deep, don't think about it and move on with life. Not saying it is the best way or even a good way to deal with things. But it's just how I do it for now.
Those of you who have been following Heather's blog know that about a year ago we found out Heather was pregnant. Now just before we had found this out I was praying to God, asking for some kind of sign that what I felt and believed that God had said (that Heather and I would have kids) was true. Well low and behold he answered with Heather being pregnant. Blew me away. I was on top of the world and so very happy. Then we lost the child a few weeks into the pregnancy. Now this is where things start to get hard for me to write. You see one thing that I can't stand is to see Heather hurt. I am the kind of person that wants to fix it if its broken.. Well to say the least Heather and I were hurting. I felt like God gave me a sign, so I shouldn't be angry, and for the most part I wasn't.. I hurt and wanted to help Heather with the hurt but couldn't to a point. So like I do most of the time, I put it away into the far reaches of my mind, was strong for my wife, was that shoulder to cry on and such. Now its not something I just forget about, because not a day goes by that I don't think about it. I see things in movies, on TV, and such that makes me think about what life would have been like with a child. Just last night Heather and I watched a movie with a father and daughter. I told Heather that the relationship they had as father and daughter in the movie is what I believe my daughter and I would have, if we had one. It didn't help that yesterday in church they had up a father and son camping trip ad for the folks in our church. Even though I don't show it on the outside, that kind of stuff hurts. It hurts a lot. I feel like I have lost my faith in what I thought was God's promise; that He would bless us with a child. All I ever wanted was a child between Heather and I. I want to see what that child would look like whether it was a boy or a girl. With her features and mine. I want to know what it's like to have a part of you that you and your spouse made. To know that feeling of loving your child more then anything and wanting to do everything you can for that child. But as of late I have lost my faith in whether or not I will ever know that. I'm sure God has some plan or at least I keep trying tell myself that.. I do know that if He does, that His plan is the best way and no other way would work. But that doesn't always make me feel better. I know I'm not old, but I feel myself starting to get old. I look at the fact that if we have a child now, I'll be pushing 60 before that child gets out of High School. If we have more than one I'm sure I will be over 60 by the time the last one is out. I cold be well into my 70s and 80s before I would see grandchildren. (see these are things I think about)
Now I know there are those out there that say, just give it time, it will happen or just stop trying and when you do it will happen. Man how I hate hearing that. If people knew what it was like wanting kids of your own and not being able too, they would never say things like that. There is always adoption and I'm for that, I think that is a great thing (my father was adopted), but for right now I can't do that, I'm still holding to what a child between Heather and I would look like. Earlier I said I wasn't too angry, but I am, I hurt and get angry and wonder if what I thought was God's promise or at least saying we would have kids was real. Which in turn makes things worse because now I doubt my God who knows best, and I know He does. Humanity is such a curse at times.
Our pastor yesterday was preaching from Joshua, about how the people had no faith to cross into the promiseland and take the land that God had for them. We wonder how they could not have that faith when He had the pillar of fire and smoke for them to follow day and night, dropped manna from the sky for them to eat and water from the rocks for them to drink. After seeing all that they had unbelief. I guess its not too hard to understand since I have unbelief now about rather I'll ever be a father. Not really sure why I'm even writing all of this, just felt like I needed to get out of bed and write this.
Please pray for Heather and I. I know a lot of this is also what she is feeling too. I long so much for a child, and I know at times it must not show cause I bury things away so I don't have to deal with the hurt and pain. I know there are those of you out there that are reading this that can also understand, weather it's with not having kids of your own or other things in your life. Pray for us and each other as we will be doing the same for you. I do know God has a plan for Heather and I. I don't know what it is, but I do know that it's Gods plan therefor it's the only way. Does not mean I still don't hurt.
Rob & Heather--- my heart aches for you both... Oh boy...I can feel your physical pain like it's my very own...
I have often felt that if I put on a happy face and say, "It's ok, I'm fine with it"...then it won't hurt so much... that's a load of bull.. God is good in all things..but this still hurts! And all those well intentioned people that make those supportive comments... they just don't understand the pain that comes along with this kind of emotional rollercoaster...and the deep longing that comes with wanting a child of your own...and not being able to ... I will be praying for you both...and I love you dearly!!!
Rob (and Heather)...I am still praying with you. I was surprised to see a blog post from you, Rob, but it was meaningful to me to be able to hear your thoughts and your feelings. I know what a long road this has been for both of you, and how you've needed to ask the Lord many times those hard questions. It's so awesome how He promises His closeness to the broken-hearted, and how He comforts those who are weary of fighting.
I don't understand His plan for you, but I do know that the Lord has a very specific plan for your family, and that His plan for you is not just for you, but will have a profound effect on the Kingdom if you continue to depend on Him, trust Him and know Him.
Still praying and cheer-leading for you ;)
I understand a small part of your pain as we struggled in the same way but for a much shorter period of time. Hang on to the truth -- God is trustworthy and faithful to keep all His promises. BUT the pain, the hurt, the questions are still there. And, that's okay. Not only is the Father in complete control at all times but He is also the Balm in Gilead to heal our hurts. Our family is dealing with a huge, gaping wound since my nephew, Luke, went home to Jesus at just 10 weeks of life. Life will never be the same. We will never be the same. The suffering is indescribable. The questions are countless. But one thing that remains is the steadfast, immoveable, unchangeable presence and faithfulness of my Lord Jesus. There is no other place to turn but to Him.
Give my love to Heather. We miss you two!
Rob, thanks for sharing so honestly... for refusing to wear a mask and pretend its ok, when its not. All I can say is, this is not our home... a happy little life is not what God promises us, but he encourages us to persevere. Opening up w/ us helps us to know how to pray for you guys. Know that we hurt with you and long for you to have your heart's desire.
Ginny B
Dear Rob and Heather,
I cannot even begin to understand the pain you are going through. I cannot pretend to know what it is like to not have children. But I do know what it is like to feel pain that tears your life apart. It isn't the same thing, but I know how it feels to think there is no end to the pain and hurt. I also know how it feels to get angry and mad at God for allowing it to happen. God understands. And when you don't think you can take anymore, he lets you cry out in anger and hurt, and then he reaches down and comforts you. You are right, he does have a plan for you, and when you are going through the worst that you can go through, it is hard sometimes to remember that. I will be praying for you two. I am so proud of you both for not losing your faith, and not turning away from God. He will bless you in some way for that. I love you both so much! You are both such a witness and again I am proud of you, and admire your outlook.
your sister, Julie
My dear friend....when oh when will you blog again?
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