Sunday, August 05, 2007


I recently had an epiphany that led to an apology. It all started with a trip to the fair. I accompanied my friend Judy and her family to the fair to watch the Moto X show (If you are not sure what that is watch the video below, even if you do know what it is watch the video because its cool). We enjoyed watching it so much Judy and I went back the next night to watch two more performances!

A few days after the show I had the epiphany: I am just like my mother! You see my mom loves watching NASCAR. She's traveled several hours on several occasions to watch major races. I have mocked my mother on a rather frequent basis about this (which is where the apology fits into the story). I realized that watching cars fly around a track at break neck speeds and watching motorcycles do flips in the air are really not that different. I AM just like my mother - and I'm proud of it! We both are sideline adrenaline junkies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, you know why I love my "Boo". He is an adrenaline junkie!! I think he may have gone over the handle bars and few times, but called it a trick. hahaha
