Saturday, November 18, 2006


So, there have been a few changes in our life here in Maine -

1. The Lord has blessed our family by providing Rob with a great new job at Time Warner. Among the blessings that have come with this new position are better pay, better training, and better health benefits! The health benefits include much better fertility coverage! PRAISE GOD!

2. We got a new car! And believe it or not, this one actually has heat!! Woo-Hoo!! I have to admit it is a rather nice feature for a vehicle living in Northern Maine.

3. I got a new do thanks to the exceedingly talent Tina!

Life here at the edge of the world is good, but our God is even better! He is constantly surprising us with His all encompassing goodness!


Anonymous said...

Hey Heather congrats of the car and hubby's new job. Oh.... and the hair looks GREAT!!! Isnt' God awesome????? Looking forward to my time in PI...start penciling my name in your calander :)

Heather said...

I can't wait till you get here either! I'll definately make space in my calendar for you!

Anonymous said...

Great hair cut! Love the new look.